When things go wrong just remember- Zombies Happen

I found out about Zombies Happen on Twitter– another of the great discoveries from meeting people on there. I honestly can’t remember who followed who first but they’ve been having a growing presence in the zombie clothing community. They are up to 9 great shirt designs so far and am sure that they have more in the works. It’s a simple message they have for the masses because just as their name implies- Zombies Happen. All of their shirts express this and how to deal with it in one way or another. It’s an important message too because regardless if your in a good mood, in love, hate your boss, or having a bad day… as much as it all matters at that moment you always have to remember that Zombies Happen. It’s one of those facts of life you just can’t let yourself forget and with any of their designs you won’t be able to.

Interested in checking out their full inventory? Head over to Zombies Happen today!