REVIEW: The Loving Dead by Amelia Beamer

Amelia Beamer just made the list of writers that I would like to sit down to dinner with and listen as she tells me what prompted her to write her story. For those not in touch with the tragically hip, Ms. Beamer is an editor and book reviewer for Locus magazine and the author of The Loving Dead available through Nigh Shade Books. And, of course, all the usual sources like Amazon. I mention Night Shade specifically because they are a small name that you might not be familiar with (like Amelia Beamer) but should. They have some serious quality going on.

The Loving Dead is a modern, engaging, sexy romp into a NWZ (New World Zombie) alt-reality where zombieism is transmitted by…wait for it…sexual contact (including kissing as well as more intimate and “conventional” methods.) Of course the usual biting and rending of flesh is equally effective in the turn.

This story is one of the best “Patient Zero” – damn close to it – tales since Night of the Living Dead. Before you get your panties in a bunch, I’m not saying Ms. Beamer has unseated Romero. What I am saying is that this story really takes the reader into the impossible psyche of a public going about its business when the impossible happens. Countless times, our central characters – Kate and Michael – are looking to the media for confirmation that this is real and they aren’t crazy.

All of society is – surprisingly – not waiting for the zombie apocalypse. The Loving Dead does a wonderful job of showing us just how silly we sound when we cry “zombie!” the way the story unfolds is so real, and so modern. For the first time, somebody has written a story that is tech savvy and relevant.

I urge even the staunchest traditionalist (of which I tend to lean towards) to pick up this book. I am finding that there is still quite a bit new under the sun, I hope this is only the beginning for Ms. Beamer. I would read anything that she offers up next based on how much pleasure I gleaned from this debut offering whether it is another zombie tale (i.e. post-loving world) or something possibly dark and scary.

I don’t make this a habit (in fact I feel remiss for not having done so with Robert Kirkman) but I want to thank Amelia Beamer for a wonderful adventure.

Available at Amazon