REVIEW: The Dead Matter

First timer Edward Douglas wrote and directed this wonderful tale into the undead. While Edward is new in the director’s chair he has been working on the music end of horror films since 1997 and his ability to work with music shows through the entire film.

What you have to give the film credit for is taking every major aspect of the undead in horror today and twisting it all together to form a fun ride into an off the wall story. I warn you ahead of the time zombie in it is more of the traditional voodoo zombie then the Romero or infected that we’ve come to be used to and isn’t the main threat in the film. While this usually may make us overlook a film it was a fun ride and did have at least one zombie in it so we’re able to slip it in through the cracks and into a review!

Basically the plot follows 3 main avenues that center around one item. We have Gretchen (Sean Serino) who wants nothing more than to have her brother back in her life. The one drawback to this is that he’s dead. Bummer. What’s a girl to do but track down a mystical artificat, an amulet to be specific, that has some interesting powers. I’ll give you 1 guess on the item that all 3 major story arcs kind of focus on. It’s an amulet that gives you control over the dead. Not only control but also let’s you bring the dead back to life. Now I wonder why Gretchen wants it?

The second person after this artifact is actually dead himself, or should I say undead, a vampire that goes by Vellich (Andrew Divoff) who wants nothing more then a new means of power since thats what all old vampires tend to be in the mood for. His competitor though is what spices up this story line as the other vampire chasing after the amulet is Sebed (played by zombie fan favorite Tom Savini!) Tom plays a drug dealing vampire who is at odds with Vellich and the two are having a power strugle that fits in.

Finally though are 2 people who are stuck in the middle of all of these people after a simple little amulet. McCallister (Jason Carter) and Pym (Bryan Van Camp.) Vampire hunters who really want nothing more then to have some time to kill off some vampires.

The zombie theme comes in after the vampire hunter Pym is killed off and brought back to life by Gretchen from this amulet. Back to life, not a vampire, can it be? YES! Finally! There is a zombie in this film! Sure he’s more of that traditional voodoo zombie (-voodoo +amulet) but he still counts!

Sure the plot is a little convoluted at times and the special effects make you feel like it’s a 90’s horror film but none of that makes the movie bad. In fact nothing makes the movie bad or I wouldn’t be giving a mostly vampire themed flick a review on Buy Zombie. It’s really a fun romp that feels like a throwback to classic horror films of days gone by. I suggest picking this one up as it’ll grow on you (like an infection) the further in you get.

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