BOOK: Children of the Dead: A Zombie Anthology edited by: Anthony Giangregorio

Now this is a subject that doesn’t ‘usually’ get too touched upon in books. (I have seen that differently as of late though.) What happens when there are children in a world full of zombies? Here is finally an anthology that touches just on that subject! Ready to be uncomfortable? I’m pretty sure the content in this one has the chance of making anyone squeamish. Anyone read it yet and able to give us an honest opinion?

Have you ever wondered what would happen to the children of our world after or during a zombie apocalypse? What would young toddlers do when their parents went out for supplies and never returned? Or if the only parental figure died and returned as one of the living dead, leaving the children to fend for themselves. Children adapt to anything, so would they accept the dead walking long before adults could wrap their heads around it? This anthology explores those questions. So, if you have children and were worried about their fate if the zombies got you, you might find the answers you seek within these pages.

Available on Amazon.