Invasion Of The Not Quite Dead January Update

Now Invasion Of The Not Quite Dead is an indie zombie film that’s in the works being done in a very original way. We only attempt to really talk about it now and then as if you were to follow the company on Twitter you already know more about the movie then you ever would want to. For those that are following the film though here is the January update of whats going on in it’s production!

Production Notes

  • The film will begin to shoot in March or April in Bulgaria for the introduction that takes place in 1978
  • A few months back they did all of the location scouting for the pre-production of the introduction. They have all of the permits in place to get it going aside from one. Once they have the last permit (needed for blowing up a car, win) they will be setting the official dates for filming

Location Scouting Video

Wow only 2 pieces of news? How about we include their early video of scouting the location?