TRAILER: Nerd Of The Living Dead

Shocking, another Zombie themed B-Movie. OK with the cynicism out of the way I’m going to just say that this one looks absolutely hysterical – if you like B Movies. (We do!) The plot’s pretty straightforward, a nerd turns into a zombie – a vegan zombie. It’s going to be a fun film to watch and I can’t wait for it’s release later this year!

The Plot: Elvin McBrant (an awkward braniac with a penchant for condiments) unwittingly joins the ranks of the Undead, after a bite from a quasi-deceased Hippie. As if becoming a zombie isn’t bad enough, Elvin the vegan doesn’t eat meat, and people are meat, right!?

Do not adjust your set! This motion picture from Stu Dodge (the director who brought us the irreverent semi-cult “Cheerleader Autopsy”) is presented in soothing monochromatic 2D (no glasses required).

You can follow the progress of the film at the official Nerd Of The Living Dead Website!