Game Review: Zombie Duck Hunt – iPhone

What flies south in the winter and quacks “cruummbbbssss”? Zombie Ducks!


4/5 – It’s the classic Nintendo Entertainment System game, with the replacement zombie ducks and exchanging the light zapper for your iDevice!


4/5 – I thoroughly enjoyed the movement sensor, and that this game is not a “touch the ducks to shoot them” sort of game, which would have been far too easy. You move your iPhone around and aim with the internal gravity sensor. The only issue is that you need to re-calibrate every other level or so, which can be done easily by pausing and unpausing the game. They’re aware of this as per the instructions on the pause menu.


4/5 – It’s a step up from your 8-bit NES, for sure.


4/5 – Who doesn’t love the sound of rapid fire shotgun sounds to flying menaces?!? Thankfully, no annoying sound of the dog when you miss. 🙂


4/5 – Did the original game have a story line behind it? This game is no different.

Replay Value

4/5 – It’s easy enough that your 8 year old can play it, and fun enough that your 80 year old can play it. What more do you need!


5/5 – At this time the game is FREE in the app store. I do not know of many things that have a better price tag attached.
Available at iTunes.