TRAILER: Toxic Lullaby

This film was just released in Germany last month and as you can tell by this English subtitled trailer it’s destined to get a US release once they find a distributor because WOW does it look pretty. While this isn’t necessarily a zombie film in the traditional sense any regular reader knows that we’ll make exceptions for films that are close enough AND look good, this one falls into that category!

It’s the story of Eloise, who wakes up in a destroyed, life-threatening world after
a bad drug trip. Separated from her friends, she learns to survive in a bizarre
reality. The world around her is chaotic. She learns that this situation originated
in a financial crisis and the following speculations about the last food recourses –
and the complete destruction of the latter. In addition, the use of biological
weapons spread a virus among the human species – causing them to become dangerous
mutants (sleepers).

In this desperate situation, she joins a group of people, who, like her, are
motivated by the longing to flee this nightmare.