Rebecca Loebe’s Bees and Zombies Music Video

OK honestly this video cracked me up. It started off as a talent show that gets attacked by zombies. While the music instantly told me it wasn’t the style I tend to enjoy – once the lyrics kicked in I couldn’t help but laugh. It’s music that ‘almost’ could be on a Disney styled soundtrack if it was a little more polished – talking about how you have to kill anyone that turns into one of the undead that is.

Not what I’d usually listen to but it’s good for a laugh! I’d like someone to give her a budget to do a zombie musical. Now THAT I think would work perfectly (considering this was done on a shoestring budget and free actors, a real budget could prove to give us an hour and a half of pure entertainment easily!)

Music video for “Bees & Zombies,” by Rebecca Loebe. Independently produced by an guerilla film crew in the heart of Atlanta.