Review: Diary of the Displaced by: Glynn James

It has to begin somewhere…

Those are the first words of this book, unfortunately I am not entirely sure what “it” was…

This was quite possibly the worst thing I have ever read aside from the twilight series, and I haven’t even read those…but I saw the movies because my girlfriend at the time drug me along and I remember thinking “this was a book first? God it must suck…” then zoning out and thinking about what I would do if a zombie came I to the theater until the credits rolled.

The story From what I could gather before I zoned out and started looking for a copy of twilight in hardcover to bash myself in the face with was this… This guy wakes up, underground in the dark, surrounded by junk, no food or water, but he finds this empty journal and a pen and decides to start documenting the days events…(day one- where the hell am I?) he finds his lighter and makes fire so now he can see. He finds some old soda cans, so now he has something to drink. He sees a monster dog. There are zombies for some reason… And he finds some random three foot mushrooms that he eats (good call) and then the book just nosedives… He has dreams about ghosts and glowing rocks or something (that’s what eating strange mushrooms will do to you). None of it makes any sense.

I would like to say that this book was building up to something epic and it was all just crazy plot…. But i would be lying… I gave up on trying to read it and decided instead to watch “new moon” with the wife….

I suggest you do the same…avoid this book…. Go team Jacob!

Available (if you want to give it a try) on Amazon