Want To Have A Character Named After You In A Zombie Novel?

Immortality. That is what the curse of the undead can promise you if you aren’t, you know, shot in the head. Another way for immortality is to find yourself in print. Well early next year a novel called The Return Man is coming out and it’s author, V.M Zito, is going out of his way to make one horror fan ecstatically happy be being immortalized in his almost complete zombie novel by entering a fun contest! Basically, you just have to tell him how YOU would survive a zombie outbreak.


Free contest for horror fans! Enter to win an appearance in the zombie world of The Return Man — an action-packed undead thriller coming in March 2012 from publisher Hodder & Stoughton. One winner’s name will be immortalized as a character in the actual book — a prize of permanent glory and bragging rights over all your friends, plus a free copy signed by author V.M Zito. Don’t miss your chance!

To enter, simply complete the entry form below by September 1st, and tell us where you’d hunker down in the zombie apocalypse. The winner will be drawn at random, but creative answers make it more fun…

Good luck! If this is your first visit to the site, welcome. Be sure to check out the free chapters of The Return Man as well as the blog

You can enter at The Return Man’s Contest Page