As you may or may not be able to tell from the picture above.. I.. am a dog. My master (the oh so amazing editor and chief of Buy Zombie, Stuart Conover) always tells me that I sleep way too much and never contribute around the house. That being the case I’ve decided I would, when the occasion arose, write shirt reviews anytime we have a shirt come in to check out.

I was really hoping to get away with never actually having to review a shirt. I’m usually quite busy trying to get food or a walk in the 2 hours I am actually awake each day but when Bigtime Teez sent over this amazing shirt from my favorite funny zombie movie I had to try it on. I mean who doesn’t love everything about Shaun of the Dead, especially the Winchester Tavern? I mean seriously a Winchester Tavern T-Shirt? What an amazing idea!

I tried it on and have to say the shirt fits amazingly well. It’s not too snug or too loose and perfect on the dog (or guy) whose your average weight for shirt size. The greatest thing about the sizes? For those who are either taller or not quote the slimmest of trims they offer shirt sizes up to 5XL which if they did print on demand would be awesome for us in general!

It’s not only comfortable but as you can tell by the pictures, quite stylish! Screen printed shirts are always the way to go these days to get the look down of having great text or graphics on a shirt and they clearly know what they are doing as the shirt looks perfect.

Even so they’ve got a great selection of sizes, shirts, and colors that range from zombies to humor. Really we only care about the zombies though (hey it’s our thing) so it’s great to know that they have 6 zombie themed shirt in their horror selection! (My only complaint is while they do have shirts with dogs, there are none with labs. Therefor I am one biased dog. Again though this is about the undead so that’s not really a valid complaint.)

So if you are interested make sure to check out Bigtime Teez today for all of your Zombie T-Shirts needs! Now if you’ll excuse me, all of this typing has made me need a nap.

(Editor’s note: Please don’t tell Ali she put the shirt on backwards. That’s just how dogs tend to wear them.)