Marko Makilaakso’s War of the Dead has been in the works for awhile and all I can say from having watched this trailer is that it will be 110% worth the wait.


I’m not even sure what to say. Clearly the idea of Nazi zombies is not new and a few of them have been pulled off pretty well but graphically so far I’m thinking this one is going to take the cake. It just looks like a work of pure evil with how the Nazi’s were shown and the zombies look extremely interesting on how their look was pulled off.

Captain Martin Stone is leading a finely-trained, elite platoon of American and Finnish soldiers as they attack an enemy bunker. Underestimating their enemy’s strength, they are quickly beaten back into the forest. As they try to regroup, they are suddenly attacked by the same soldiers they had just killed a few minutes earlier. Forced to flee deeper into Russian territory, they discover one of war’s most terrifying secrets and realize they have woken up a far more deadlier enemy.