3 Years ago I would have wondered why anyone would ever really have a use for key covers. These days I disagree with that one as I actually have a few I use to keep my keys differentiated for a few things. So of course I have to ask myself why I did not know of or see zombie key covers until now? Seriously zombifying your car keys? BRILLIANT!

Don’t be left for dead… use a zombie head! Remember Rule # 1 – Cardio. You’ve outrun the undead horde and you’ve finally made it to the safety of your impenetrable, triple locked fortress … but in the midst of the horror you can’t figure out which key opens which lock!

The brain-starved living dead mob presses closer and you prepare for your last stand – why hadn’t you scooped up a set of our Zombikeys Key Covers?!

Don’t trust your life to anything but the best in zombie head key identification technology.

Set of 6 unique key covers, sure to save you from the zombie apocalypse.

Available at Perpetual Kid!