The Dead is an indie made film that was done in 2009 by Eye Open Pictures Entertainment and was done on an extremely low budget. I bet the trailer couldn’t let you guess on that. What it also couldn’t let you guess is that there are over 200 zombies in the film. Now THAT is impressive with that level of a budget! Indie zombie films are great and while the description sounds good I think I need to see more from another trailer (or snag a review copy) to put some actual thoughts into how I feel about this one. I don’t tend to mind lower special effects and shaky cam with a good budget but I couldn’t tell enough from this trailer if the plot (which does SOUND good) will make up for the $500 budget.

On the flip side Colin was worth it so I’m willing to give even the shoestring budget films a try if they sounds good!

Two groups of people (a news crew and a group of friends) document the most horrific plague this country has ever seen. Days prior to the Horizex Incident, a group of friends are celebrating one of their own’s 21st birthday on October 31st, 2010. In the meantime a news report team has a lead to investigate a protesting group called P.A.S.S. in order to shut down the Horizex plant. Both groups end up finding out that there is a zombie apocalypse in their small town of Aubrey. Now the two groups must find a way to survive or end up as one of “The Dead”.