Rob Anderson is the writer and creator of Rex, Zombie Killer (you can read our review here) which is a creative tale about animals living in the world after a zombie apocalypse has decimated humanity. Check out our interview with him and his thoughts on animals in the apocalypse and creating an original story for the end of days.

In the wake of a zombie apocalypse, a small band of animals, led by a hyper-intelligent Golden Retriever named Rex, and accompanied by a baseball bat-wielding gorilla, begin their cross-country journey in the hope of finding safety…and a home.

BUYZOMBIE: Rex, Zombie Killer is an original view of the zombie apocalypse set through the eyes of animals. What inspired you to go with this idea and can you share the basic plot, spoiler free, for our readers?

The inspiration was definitely just wondering what happens to all the animals in a zombie apocalypse, particularly your dog and cat. I mean, sure, the easy answer is “they get eaten,” but when I think about the tenacity of animals, it seemed like there could be more to it than that, particularly if they were smart…and, say, had a gorilla with a baseball bat with them. (ha) Really, it’s just a collection of things I love — animals, gorillas in comics, zombies — rolled into a story I’d want to read myself.

The basic plot is we have a super-smart Golden Retriever — so smart that maybe it’s not natural — who has been separated from his owner, wants to find her again, and is determined to let NOTHING stand in his way, whether it’s distance, zombies, or a bunch of outlaw bikers. He gathers together a group of animals, and sets out on a journey that would be hard even if there weren’t any zombies.

BUYZOMBIE: Do you plan Rex, Zombie Killer as a mini-series or ongoing series?

The current issue is a double-sized one-shot. We’re hoping to revisit and continue the story in either one-shot or miniseries format, but fans and the market will really determine what’s possible. The whole creative team definitely wants to keep the story going!

BUYZOMBIE: Can animals in your story be zombified?

Yes, that’s one of the twists for the animals, particularly for a fighter like Brutus the Pit Bull. It’s very frustrating for him not being able to bite anyone, and that frustration definitely causes problems in the first issue. So, they’re in danger not only from the zombies (and, perhaps, humans), but ALSO from the risk of infection.

BUYZOMBIE: What is your ideal animal to add that you have no plans that would fit in your current story line to the cast?

That’s a really hard one to answer, since there are so many animals that could potentially be in the story in the future…I probably should stop there, actually. Having said that, it seems to me that a Polar Bear could swat the heads off zombies pretty efficiently, and look cool doing it…and that’s not currently in the plans. And just to be clear, that still leaves Grizzly Bears on the table. (ha)

BUYZOMBIE: You were previously a contributing writer on “Great Zombies in History”, how long have you had an interest in the undead?

I’m a lifelong zombie fan, so at least back to childhood and the Romero movies. It may go back farther than that, but the whole “fighting zombies in the mall” thing had me excited all the way back in 1978 when I was a kid.

BUYZOMBIE: Who are 5 celebrities (people or animals) that you would want to be stuck with during an apocalyptic event?

I definitely want Kenji the gorilla from Rex, Zombie Killer with me, as long as he has his baseball bat. I’ll also take Chuck Norris, since…well, you know. I’ll take Vasquez, the marine, from Aliens 2, as long as she’s got that honking future machine-gun. Let’s throw in Michonne from The Walking Dead with her samurai sword. And Godzilla. Because Godzilla rules, and he could maintain a very wide safety perimeter.

BUYZOMBIE: Do you have any animals you’d want at your side?

Yeah, I couldn’t leave my dog and cat behind, although they’d be useless. Actually, a liability. But I’m a softie for animals. A softie with a shotgun, maybe! But still a softie.

BUYZOMBIE: Who do you feel is directly responsible for your entry into the horror genre and specifically the inclusion of zombies into your work?

I think I’d have to go with George Romero on that. But there were a lot of childhood influences in terms of horror in general. Too many to remember or list, probably…

BUYZOMBIE: What is your favorite zombie story (book, movie, tv, or comic)

I don’t think I can name just one…but by category, definitely The Walking Dead in comics, Dawn of the Dead in movies, and, for audio drama, I’m a huge fan of We’re Alive. If anyone reading this doesn’t listen to that, drop what you’re doing and start downloading it on iTunes RIGHT NOW!

BUYZOMBIE: With the rise of The Walking Dead’s fame and independant publishing zombies are everywhere. Do you think this has been helping or detracting from this sub-horror genre?

Well, the upside is there’s so many zombie-related things to choose from. As a fan, that makes me happy. And I think The Walking Dead television show has probably gotten even more people interested in zombies, so the audience keeps growing. I think there’s always room for more good stories about zombies. Or good stories about anything, for that matter. So, I really hope people will give Rex, Zombie Killer a shot!


There you have it folks. Rob is a man with a mission, an intelligent dog, and a zombie killing ape. I wish him well on his journey in making Rex, Zombie Killer into a full on mini-series at the very least and hope we’ll see more from him in the future!