Marvel has a new entree into the world of Marvel Zombies this year which is written by Fred Van Lente and illustrated by Alessandro Vitti. For anyone who followed the Marvel Zombies you know the entire series has been a hit or miss after the first 2 installments. While I’ve found enjoyment in all of them after the first 2 if it weren’t for Ash and more recently Howard the Duck I really felt they’ve been falling short of enjoyment so I’m very happy to let you know that this year’s Halloween special is going to put an absolute smile on your face the entire way through.

We enter the story after the zombie apocalypse has happened and there aren’t a whole lot of humans left. In fact our two main characters may be 2 of the last of the living on the planet depending if this is a variation on the Marvel Zombies universe or falls in between the Marvel Zombies 1 and 2 timelines. A mother and son who are desperately trying to have an existence in a world that has fallen apart. How would such a combination of humans be able to survive? Well when you eventually find out who the mother is it will make sense but we’ll leave that be and let you find out who it is when reading it. Life is for the most part hiding in their safe house which, while dreary, is livable. Soon after the comic starts a stray kitten finds its way into their home (past the minefield that they have outside) and the son becomes fast friends with his new feline companion.

What we do know is that it’s Halloween and she has made a cute little Wolverine costume for him to celebrate with even if there is anywhere for him to go Trick ‘r Treating. She does though promise to try to find him some candy while she’s gone. Right after she leaves the cat decides to go exploring outside and this leaves the son getting stuck locked outside while trying to chase after his new friend. While looking for his cat he does stumble across another survivor though things don’t go quite as planned as the survivor tells him its the night before Halloween and quickly disappears after – right as a wave of zombies show up. Low class heroes for the most part try to have a little late night snack of the child are dispatched as his mother takes out a few of them with her rifle.

It’s a touching tale whose artwork is the best that Marvel Zombies has put out as a franchise since the original 2 editions. We get through quite a few of Halloween’s traditions and a fitting guest for them to meet up with on Halloween night. We do get a happy ending in the form of the child getting his kitten back at the end of the episode (even if no candy) and I for one hope this writing and artistic team can work together for a future version of Marvel Zombies as well (or anything honestly. I was a HUGE fan of this issue!)

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