Rob Sacchetto is no stranger to BuyZombie and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Awhile back he was kind enough to share some of his amazing custom zombie art with us, as well as do an interview. Being that it’s the holiday season and all he has returned with some wonderfully disgusting holiday inspired artwork to cram in your stocking. So leave out a plate of lady fingers for Santa Claus because he’s slithering down your chimney with more fetid treasures.

He doesn't care if you've been naughty or nice...he only wants you to sit on his lap so he can pick your brain a bit.

He doesn’t care if you’ve been naughty or nice…he only wants you to sit on his lap so he can pick your brain a bit.

Screw Elf on Your Shelf. Did you know Santa has an evil brother named The Krampus? He carries out punishing bad children by beating them with sticks or by kidnapping the truly detestable ones. Tell your kids that Christmas story and show them this picture. Everyone will behave just fine after that.


So where can you get more holiday inspired zombie artwork for your demented love ones? Head on over to Rob Sacchetto’s site: where you can find some incredible undead masterpieces and even model for one yourself. The holiday sale is going on now…don’t miss out on your chance to have a custom drawing done by the putrid Picasso of the zombie art universe.