
‘April Apocalypse’ is coming and it will be hitting the small screen via VOD and disc release on February of 2015 thanks to Entertainment One. You can check out the trailer below! While I tend to be a little bored with the cheesiness found within most ZomRomCom’s this one looks like it could be a load of fun.


After years of yearning for the girl next door (oh boy, here we go), Artie (the resident nerd and punching bag) finally builds the courage to woo her…only to find out the girl of his dreams and best friend (and most popular girl evar – is this Spiderman?), April, is moving away – sending Artie into a deep depression. Three years later, Artie gets over himself (kinda) to “go find April and make her yours because you’re OWED that, man!”. Empowered and eager to find April, Artie crashes his car on the way…(is that what happened?) and wakes up a week later in the middle of a zombie outbreak. Now it’s up to Artie and his ever-growing courage to find April – no matter what cannibalistic creature steps in his way.