The Walking Dead Infographs

Want to know someone who loves ‘The Walking Dead’ more than you and is willing to make some free time to show their love? Let me introduce you to the project that Morbid Malignant has put together where he compiles all of the major stats about the show in 41 rock solid informational images.

“Back in December after The Walking Dead’s mid-season finale, I decided to begin rewatching the series from the beginning and I wanted to take notes on a few things. So, I did.. and I kept track and continued updating my notes up until the Season 5 finale and after that was over, I updated them one last time.

After that, I made a series of infrographs covering just about anything you could ever think of from characters with the most human kills to characters with the most walker kills.. individual graphs for most of the main characters in the series, who gets the most kills in each season and if you can believe it, even more.”

VIa: Bloody-Disgusting.