zombie bunker

The Daily Mail reported on a 4,200 square-foot, $11.5 million doomsday bunker in Colorado. The luxury bunker doubles as a year-round home complete with a 100-foot radio tower, helicopter pad, reinforced concrete and steel walls and seven-stage filtration system. It also happens to be stocked with luxuries like plush sofas, bedrooms and a media room.

The everyday prepper may not have a few million dollars laying around to build-out the ultimate survival bunker, but there are ways to add some perks. Save your money and re-purpose everyday materials and supplies to make your bunker more comfortable. Get inspired with these ideas and start collecting your supplies.

Wood and hinges

Some spare lumber, extra wood and handful of hinges can transform your bunker into a cozy little home. Use your materials to make a folding bed from the wall and attach a chain from the ceiling or wall to help reinforce it. Add some pillows and blankets or an old mattress to make your new bed more comfortable. The same materials can also be used to create more storage options like cabinets, closets and boxes and to repair your bunker as needed. Smaller scraps of wood can also be used to fashion a bow and arrow or you can save them for kindling.

Pool noodle

Believe it or not a simple pool noodle can increase the comfort of your survival bunker. Grab a few pool noodles and slice open lengthwise. Next, pry the handle off of a 5-gallon bucket and place a large kitchen trash can bag inside. Secure your cut noodle around the rim of the bucket and bag as a makeshift toilet that you can actually sit on. Pool noodles could also be used to make an emergency raft or add some comfort to your bunker’s bed or chairs.

Old towels

Your body can take a beating from hiding out, hunting, or just surviving during a disaster. Fold up some old towels and attach to your knees with string to create makeshift kneepads. Kneepads could prevent a catastrophic injury or save your life if you need to take quick cover with a hard ground surface. Towels can also be used to quickly mend clothing and torn bags. And if you find yourself on the run, a towel soaked in flammable liquid and tied onto a pole can make a quick torch or fend off attackers.

Dental floss

Keep your gums and teeth as healthy as possible by packing plenty of dental floss in your bunker. Floss also has endless uses, including cutting up food and hanging up your clothes to dry. Floss can a be tied around a stick and lit like a candle for emergency lighting. And any good fishing or hunting prepper knows dental floss can be used for fishing line or a noose when you’re looking for food.


Lacing up your boots with paracord offers more durability and less opportunity to break. You can also use it as a belt and handle to lift and move supplies easily. Keep your eyeglasses from slipping off your face with a paracord lanyard. And don’t forget the comfort of your pet when you retire to your bunker. Scraps of paracord make a great chew toy or game of fetch.