REVIEW: Ex-Heroes by Peter Clines

I would like to tell you the reader a little story about how I came across this book. Everyone in the staff likes the site editor. Stuart is a very cool guy and because of that we, meaning me, like to bust his chops. When he first told me about this book I was just added to the crew. This was months ago and he was telling me how much he wanted to read this book but he did not have time to get a review out right away. I told him I would do it and have the book sent to me. I got it in the mail a few weeks later. It took me months to even get around to the book, poor Stuart could have read the book he wanted before me but I took it from him. I just finished telling him that I am writing the review and he said that he still wants to read it. So I told him to get his own book. Even if the person reading this doesn’t laugh, please know that I am dying inside. OK now to the review.

The Southern California area is almost entirely overrun by a mysterious plague. The virus that is bringing the dead back to life has made its way around the globe. Superheroes from all over the world have banned together to fight off the infection but the threat is too great. Even with all their combined super power the heroes were unable to stop the plague from spreading. Stealth, one of the Superheroes, has come up with an idea. Los Angeles is lost and the only chance humanity has is to create a secure compound and bring all survivors there for protection. The only place large enough to support that kind of refuge is Paramount Studios. The Superheroes worked together to secured this location and was given the name The Mount. It is now one year later.

Life in The Mount is as normal as it can be with hungry flesh eating monsters outside the walls. The survivors work along side the heroes so they can all live comfortably. The Mount is not the only secure zone in Southern California. A group that calls themselves The Seventeens have been terrorizing The Mount and trying to gain control. Their goal is to be the only standing society in the Los Angeles area. The two compounds skirmishing lead up to a massive fight. The Seventeens have surrounded The Mount and prepare for a full attack. To the Superheroes surprise The Seventeens have learned how to control the dead but that is not all. The reanimated corpses of fallen heroes are walking and under the control of The Seventeens. The fight for survival is on and it is the Heroes vs. the Ex Heroes.

Ex Heroes was a very enjoyable read. It had everything you could possibly want in a book; Zombies, Superheroes with kick ass powers, women wearing skin tight outfits. The writing was wonderful and the story flowed well. The only thing some people might have a problem with is the flashbacks. The reader doesn’t learn how the infection spread or how The Mount was created until the end of the book. Ex Heroes starts a year or so into The Mount with no real story behind it. The flash backs come every other chapter or so and gives a little insight on how everything went down. They also introduce most of the Superheroes.

The beginning of the book is a little confusing. The story starts and the author throws a bunch or Superhero names and abilities out there so it is a bit hard understanding who is who. About half way through the book everything become clear and you can really get a feel for what Superhero can do what. Their super powers are very cool. There is a vampire who sucks the life out of its victims to take their strength and a man with the ability to discharge fire from his body. That is always fun to imagine.

All and all Ex Heroes was a wonderful read. I had a blast going through all the Superhero flashbacks and picturing their abilities. If a movie adaptation is in the works I would be all for it. would like to thank Permuted Press for giving us a review copy of Ex Heroes. I really enjoyed it and highly recommend it to any zombie or Superhero fan. We would also like to thank Peter Clines for writing such an entertaining novel. We look forward to more from this superb author.

Available at Amazon.