REVIEW: Nightmare On Zombie Island by Paul D. Storrie illustrated by David Witt

We, here at, love giving our followers the best zombie related items we can possibly find. I found Nightmare on Zombie Island while surfing I found it very interested because of the following reasons.
1. It was cheap.
2. It is a zombie children’s book.
3. It is a comic book.

That last reason was the one that sealed the deal.

The reader, you, is the main character in the book. You make all the decisions. If you want to go left when everyone says to go right you can. Just accept the fact that if you go right you die. That is basically what happens in this book. Or at least that is what happens to me.

Your parents are letting you spend the summer with your best friend Jimmy. His aunt, Dr. Chase, is a world famous explorer and she has invited you to go with her as she explores an abandon plantation located on an island. When you arrive a man by the name of Dylan tells you a legend which explains the reason why this island is deserted. He tells you this.

A pirate by the name of Bloody Bob Slade hid his treasure in a cave on this island. He then took over the plantation and killed all the owners leaving the slaves alive to wait on him hand and foot. An elderly slave placed a curse on him, if his gold ever left the cave everyone who has died on the island will come back and kill everyone. Since Bloody Bob did not believe in curses he killed the slave. The next day Bob took some gold out of the cave and was instantly killed by a horde of the undead.

You can either choose to believe his story or not. The decision is yours and whatever you choose from here on out determines your fate. If you are like me and want to be a defiant one then you will end up dead. Trust me I know because I’ve been killed by everything in the book.

This book was very enjoyable. I have no idea why it is categorized under children books. Nightmare on Zombie Island is a twisted book that pretty much kills you anywhere you turn. I am still trying to find the ending where I escape the island with the treasure. The illustrations are wonderful and the zombies look awesome. This book is a solid and fun read for all ages. Maybe not so much little kids because there is so much death in this book it might scare them. recommends this choose your own adventure book to us big kids. If someone finds finding the happy ending, pleases tell me how to get to it… if there is one!

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