REVIEW: The Walking Dead Vol. 10: What We Become

Chapter Ten, What We Become feels like it is trying a bit too hard at times. Yep, you read it here from a die-hard fan of this series. Robert Kirkman is either toying with the readers (us), or, perhaps he is working hard to draw us into something much deeper than I can perceive. I’m not saying that the story isn’t good…it’s just not great.

With Rich teetering on the brink of madness, Dale growing more curmudgeonly, and Maggie spiraling into a dangerous state of hopeless depression, there just is not a real direction to this episode. It does bring back an obscure, bit-character from volume one…sort of. Also, a heard is allowed to demonstrate its devastating potential.

However, Rick’s character is showing some rather large cracks, and his actions are often erratic. I understand the whole ‘self-doubt’ thing, but I hope this “phone” arc in the story is done. It has never really meshed with the rest of his character.

As for Abraham Ford, we get a glimpse at his backstory, which was really the most noteworthy moment of this episode. As always, I can only give one man’s opinion, but I feel that this chapter got a little bogged down. Nothing moved forward or backwards here and that is unusual for Kirkman. Perhaps he is setting us up in a big way.

I recommend this volume because of maintaining continuity. However, I would not be honest if I did not say What We Become (or The Road Ahead…that is a question I don’t have an answer for) is not Kirkman’s finest work.

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