Zombies, Run! Gets Funding To Finish Development For The iPhone and Android

Do you like zombies? Well you’re here so I really hope that you do! Do you like zombie games? Highly likely! Do you want to use a zombie game to not only kill zombies and be competitive BUT lose weight as well? Sounds pretty damn awesome! It was originally going to be iPhone only (which is why I was biased against really posting on it since they already had their funding) and then out of the blue they announced they are making an Android version as well. Score! I wish there was more time to give you a heads up for those wanting to donate to have it created but as they’ve raised $46,702 of their $12,500 development cost I’m not ‘that’ concerned.

(Actually I wish we had 1/4th of their development cost to redo the website properly!)

Ahem. Jealousy aside this is an AMAZING concept. The game changes as you go along, it adapts with what you do and how you collect and assign items, it’s just pretty bad ass all around.

So what’s this amazing Zombies, Run! actually all about?

You tie your shoes, put on your headphones, take your first few steps outside. You’ve barely covered a hundred yards when you hear them. They must be close.

You can hear every gutteral breath, every rattling groan – they’re everywhere. Zombies. There’s only one thing you can do: Run!

Zombies, Run! is an ultra-immersive game for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and Android where you help rebuild civilisation after a zombie apocalypse. By going out and running in the real world, you can collect medicine, ammo, batteries, and spare parts that you can use to build up and expand your base – all while getting orders, clues, and story through your headphones.

It doesn’t matter where you run.
It doesn’t matter how fast you run.
It doesn’t matter how far you run.

Just run.

So… it’s about running?

Yes It’s zombies AND exercise. I said that in the introduction!

Zombies, Run! is about making the thrill of running even better with a game and a story delivered through your headphones. We’re making running more fun, more exciting, and more addictive for everyone from couch-to-5k newbies to weekend joggers and marathon runners. And Zombies, Run! works anywhere – in a park, along a beach, in the city, even on treadmills!

Also: we don’t make you watch your screen while you’re running; we don’t make you change your favorite routes; and you don’t need to buy any fancy armbands or tracking devices. All you do is press a button when you start, and another button when you’re done. That’s it. We follow your lead.

Story, Game, & Fitness App: A Triple (Zombie) Threat!

You’re Runner 5. Hundreds of lives are counting on you. You’ve got to help your base rebuild from the ruins of civilization by collecting critical supplies while avoiding roving zombie hordes. Can you save them?

You receive orders and hear the story told through radio messages and voice recordings between your own custom playlists. Missions last around 20-30 minutes in real time and there’ll be over 30 unique missions in Season 1.

You’ll automatically collect items like medicine, batteries, and ammo while running, and once you’re back home, you get to assign them to different parts of your base. Who needs the vitamins more, the soldiers or the doctors? Which buildings need extra defenses? It’s up to you – and the bigger your base, the more missions you’ll have access to.

But what are the leaders of your base scheming about? How did you get there? Where did the zombies come from? There’s a deeper mystery to be uncovered, puzzles to be solved, websites to be discovered, documents to be viewed so you can learn the truth of what’s happened to the world.

Zombies, Run! records the distance, time, pace, and calories burned of all your runs, and we’re keen to add RunKeeper integration. There’s also the option to hear audio notifications of for time, distance, and pace during your run. If you want to get fit while also saving the world, this is the game for you.

If you want to donate ahead of time for the game you won’t just be helping get the game more promotions/etc but you’ll get some neat swag as well! You’ve got 16 days left to throw some money in and get a pre-order of the game and some cool swag over at Kickstarter.