Zombie Meal Time – Epic Meal Time

Now my fiancee (actually when this gets posted it’ll be wife but I’m writing to you… FROM THE PAST!) is a restaurant manager, pastry chef, and foodie. That being said I have become a foodie by default. You know we don’t have a real say in these things. So one of the entertaining things I had stumbled upon is Epic Meal Time. While watching too much of it is just going overboard its a group of guys who make quite amazing food that by all rights should kill you.

It did in fact kill them! Death, she can’t keep a good group of people down so the Epic Meal Time crew came back as zombies, showing you how the undead SHOULD eat.

We’re back from the dead and all we want is brains, bacon and liquor. All our friends are here, so let’s make sure we make the best of it and eat all the brains we can!