So going into this film that was written and directed by Dan Lantz I noticed it was one of the first full length films he had done and first stabs at horror. That always means it’s going to be hit or miss and when you mix in the fact that it’s one of the debut films of Alexis Texas not making a porno flick that ends up being a zombie film…. all I could really think of was Zombie Strippers and how horrible the movie was when Jenna Jameson decided to do the same thing.

So how did the film stack up?

Well it was more enjoyable to watch than Zombie Strippers (which isn’t saying much) but before you get your hopes up let me bring you back to reality and state that this is clearly a B movie plot with a slightly higher budget. It wasn’t great but it wasn’t horrible and for those who are hoping for the nearly obligatory nude/sex scenes they clearly make sure to make use of Alexis’s assets to pull them off in style.

Moving onto our B plot – Zlantoff Industries, a biological warfare warfare company, has developed the latest and greatest way to kill the enemies of whoever decides to buy from it. It looks like they are infecting felines with a new drug that turns them into a murderous rage that cannot be controlled. Clearly it’s the perfect way to disrupt an enemy as the idea is to infect an enemy army with it and watch the soldiers tear each other apart.

Insert some B movie fantasies as the president of the company accidentally has the PA system on as he has his way with his secretary (Alexis) and in doing so distracts the research team that has perfected the virus. So surprisingly we are actually given a reason for a zombie outbreak to occur though I found it a bit hard to stomach the thought of how bad security precautions were in a biological warfare test lab. I think their premise for an outbreak was sound but they should have gone a bit further on making it look like there was actually precautions in place that the accident caused to screw up. Yes, I know – B movie. The problem is the production wasn’t really low end B movie material so I felt with the plot being mediocre it really took away from what could have been a fun romp (and I’m not meaning with the porn star turned zombie killing heroine by the end of the film.) Part of that romp probably did come from all of the female zombies trying to seduce the men that they ended up turning or eating. Yes apparently female zombies have a high sex drive and for the ones without easily visible wounds, it really worked well for them.

While thee special effects weren’t top notch and the zombies weren’t the ‘best’ in the world they weren’t bad and there wasn’t going to be a lot of corpse rotting with how fresh they were. The wounds looked decent as did the gore factor and to be honest most of that just worked. I wouldn’t get too attached to the characters because of a mixture of a high body count and a lack of depth to personalities but still the high body count keeps the deaths coming throughout the entire film.

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