
Given the current economy, most people won’t or can’t afford to add the purchase of real estate into their budget. However, one trend seems to remain standard no matter what the economy is doing. That is the purchase of raw, arable land.

Some of us already have plans on what we will do when a major apocalyptic event occurs where life as we know it radically changes.

Purchasing raw land for a potential survival retreat isn’t all that difficult. It’s what comes after that purchase.

The construction of a fortified retreat, secure fencing and all the other amenities that accompany it.

Toss in the travel time to and from said property then the time and expense at the site, and it may not be all that cost effective short term. If, however, you were able to obtain the land as a vacation property and then proceed to go there each available vacation to make improvements, the long term accomplishments work out very well in the end.

To lightly touch on the subject of a MAG or what some may know as a Mutual Assistance Group, if one was formed with like-minded individuals say people who viewed the possibility of a real world apocalypse and lived within a reasonable distance of the retreat, then the overall cost could be decreased as it now becomes a group effort. More info on Mutual Assistance Groups will be a future topic.

The group may now be able to purchase a larger tract of land, thereby creating more privacy and security. Remember defense in depth and isolation are only small parts of your security protocol. The property can then be improved as the entire group could schedule vacations at the same time and be present for group training and work projects. Land with its own water supply would be more valuable in the long term.

If the property were situated in a specific location, then one party within the group might be able to maintain a residence full time increasing the productivity of any planted crops and provide onsite security year round.

One other alternative would be to form a corporation listing all parties involved as board positions and write the entire property off as a corporate retreat. Then all trips to the site could be listed as a business expense and all improvements could potentially be written off during tax time.

The group could also rent out the site during hunting or skiing season depending on location and make a small profit from that as well.

Don’t just consider a purchase of raw land for a potential retreat, consider the possibility of being able to grow your own food and raise some livestock. These skills and sources of food will become scarce after any major disaster.

Not only will a site for a retreat be beneficial it is also an investment in your future.

urban fortress