
You’ve probably noticed by now I love me the band No More Kings. What’s not to love a about such an unabashedly nerdy band that’s devoting an entire album to zombies? They’re out with their next song on the album and it’s a remake of the song Zombie Me, from their first album, and they’re calling it “Zombie Me, the Apoca-Mix”. I like this version, since it’s really fun, though to be honest, I like the original better. It’s still worth checking the Apoca-Mix out though.

You can find this song on Amazon, as well as quite a few other places.

Hey, I kind of feel guilty for pushing just this one band on you guys so much. The problem is, I’m not very adventurous when it comes to music, so I don’t discover much new stuff on my own. If you know of any other bands out there who do zombie-related music and you’d like us to give them a shout-out, let us know about them.