
There is no need to escape a horde of zombies by burying yourself underneath decaying corpses. It isn’t even necessary to bathe in the putrid remains of zombies; then dress in their clothes. Thanks to chemist, Raychelle Burks, Ph.D., it may only take a small spritz of *Eau De Death*to escape being bitten .

Really small Polyamines produced by the body during the early stage of decomposition, putrescine and cadaverine, are the key ingredients in this *corpus delicti *cologne*. Add a dash of *methanethiol, you will enjoy that rotting egg/rotting corpse, scent that will keep both the living and undead at bay. You won’t be able to stand yourself, but you will be safe*…. maybe*.

*Eau De Death* is not for sale, but it gives us a glimpse of possible defense methods, should the zombies come knocking at our door.