Dying-LightIf you hadn’t heard, Dying Light takes place in a fictional city called Harran, which is inspired by various Middle-Eastern cities. Just don’t confuse it with the real-world ancient Turkish city of the same name. As a part of their ad blitz, Techland has created a website for the city. It’s fairly entertaining and provides some backstory, so if you’re a huge lore nut (like me) then you’ll want to peruse it. It hosts a lot of the normal stuff that a city website would, like news, info for tourists, and the like, though for obvious reasons there’s not nearly enough content for a city the size of Harran.  The front page acts as a blog and also a typical apocalyptic log.

So to learn more about Harran, its descent into being overrun by zombies, and what happened leading up to the start of the game go right here and check out the official website.