You may have heard of Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. It was a slightly popular book that came out. However have you heard of Abraham Lincoln Vs Zombies? No?? Well Honestly we hadn’t either. However the B-Movie makers over at The Asylum want to change that as they’ve come up with this completely.. original.. idea! (You know if The Asylum put just a little more work into their films they could turn their B movies into blockbusters. Not that I’m complaining about more B-Movies in the world.. I’m just saying…)

So what’s it going to be about?

While the brutal Civil War rages on, Abraham Lincoln must undertake an even more daunting task; destroying the Confederate Undead!

I have no idea if the above image is actually a promo for the film. It was from a Wired post from last year about movies that may never exist. However it also has an image from Zombie Apocalypse from The Asylum as well so it may, in fact, be the valid poster. (I wouldn’t count on it.)