Plight of the Zombie Lets You Wrangle Shamblers

  Are you tired of running from the zombies of Left 4 Dead or Dead Rising? Would you like to be the hunter, rather than the hunted; muncher, instead of munched? Then Plight of the Zombie might just be for you.  You start as a lone braineater, slowly building...

Resident Evil: Retribution

  Sometimes filmmakers have more story than one film can hold.  Hence, Kill Bill, the original Star Wars trilogy and Gone with the Wind and Gone with the Wind 2: Rhett’s Revenge. More often than not, filmmakers seemingly have more pocket than talent, since...

Spookies (1986) Review

SPOOKIES comes direct via VHS, from the “glory days” of the mid-1980s, when any groupa kids with a camera and some gumption could make a movie, and genre movies were all one-word plurals. GOONIES. GREMLINS. CRITTERS. GHOULIES. SPOOKIES was definitely made...