Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies Review

When The Asylum puts out a film 90% of the time you can expect one main thing – there is a major motion picture coming out that they are going to be making fun of. Sure this isn’t the case of all of their services, just most of them. This film written and...

Spookies (1986) Review

SPOOKIES comes direct via VHS, from the “glory days” of the mid-1980s, when any groupa kids with a camera and some gumption could make a movie, and genre movies were all one-word plurals. GOONIES. GREMLINS. CRITTERS. GHOULIES. SPOOKIES was definitely made...

Stag Night of the Dead (2010) Review

This British movie is a classic combination of zombies and military gone wrong. What sets it apart is its humor and crazy antics. The movie puts an interesting spin on how the government chooses to monopolize off this plague by tapping into people’s inane love for...

Aaah! Zombies!!! Review

This movie was pretty hilarious since it takes an interestingly creative spin on the zombie genre, despite the fact that it touches on the classic concept of military project gone-wrong. The filmmakers decided to do a movie from the zombie’s perspective, which makes...

DeadHeads Review

DeadHeads is a fun romp that was written and directed by Brett and Drew T. Pierce (brothers and son of Bart Pierce who was the special effects photographer of a film you may have heard of – The Evil Dead) who really were able to put together a fun romp in a...

Bloodlust Zombies Review

So going into this film that was written and directed by Dan Lantz I noticed it was one of the first full length films he had done and first stabs at horror. That always means it’s going to be hit or miss and when you mix in the fact that it’s one of the...